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Blog DevOps

20 DevOps practitioners and thought leaders to follow on Twitter

By Karen Sowa 29 Dec 2015

The cloud landscape is moving really fast, and DevOps best practices are evolving just as fast. At Loggly, we have found Twitter to be a great tool for staying on top of trends and measuring the pulse of our industry. We put together this list of experts—including practitioners and thought leaders—so that you can be equally informed.

DevOps Practitioners

John Arundel


Helps with sysadmin, devops, Puppet & Chef. Automates stuff for you, because you haven’t got time. @bitfield has plenty of DevOps war stories to share.
Patrick Debois


Patrick is bridging the gap between creativity and technology with a #devops mindset. His Twitter feed has a lot of hands-on Docker tips.
John Willis


@botchagalupe has a background in DevOps that runs deep.
Damon Edwards


DevOps and improving how businesses operate is hisy thing. @damonedwards weaves this expertise together in his Twitter feed.
Jon Hendren

@fart and @devops

Despite owning the most flatulent Twitter handle, he has a lot to say about DevOps. And stirs up plenty of controversy.
Gareth Rushgrove


The curator of the Devops Weekly email newsletter, Gareth is a software developer, occasional sysadmin, general web, programming and technology geek. He works as an engineer at@puppetlabs and is a @gdsteam alumnus.
Mark Imbriaco


Before he founded his new startup, he led the Technical Operations organization at Digital Ocean.
James Wickett


This Sr. Engineer at Signal Sciences (https://signalsciences.com ) is a proponent of rugged devops, creator of @gauntlt, and author of the gauntlt book: Hands-on Gauntlt.
Coburn Watson


@coburnw runs Performance Engineering at Netflix. He’s about slaying performance and scalability challenges in the cloud on a daily basis.
Matthias Marschall


@mmarschall is a CTO and tech lead “Made in Germany”. He’s passionate about the holistic adoption of DevOps principles across the entire organization.
Alison Gianotto


“Snipe” frequently speaks at conferences about technology and security/ privacy issues. Her Twitter feed is full of tips on these issues along with systems and workflow for DevOps.


DevOps Thought Leaders

Gene Kim


He’s a DevOps enthusiast, The Phoenix Project co-author, Tripwire founder, Visible Ops co-author, IT Ops/Security Researcher, Theory of Constraints Jonah, and rabid UX fan. Oh, and he’s really on top of industry trends.
Jez Humble


@jezhumble is grandaddy of the DevOps movement. He’s  also the co-author of Continuous Delivery and Lean Enterprise and a lecturer @BerkeleyISchool.
Werner Vogels


Given that he’s the CTO at Amazon, don’t you want to know what he’s saying?
Jeff Barr


AWS Chief Evangelist and another important voice to listen to.
Solomon Hykes


The founder and CTO of Docker shares lots of Docker-related content.
Martin Fowler


He’s a Programmer, Loud Mouth, and leader at ThoughtWorks. His Twitter feed explores a broad range of topics around cloud-based apps.
Kelsey Hightower


Product Manager and Chief Advocate at CoreOS, @kelseyhightower is a guy who has lived and breathed Ops and DevOps for a long time.
Bridget Kromhout


She’s the principal technologist for @cloudfoundry at @pivotal and podcasts @arresteddevops. She also organizes @devopsdays and worked in ops at @DramaFever.
James Turnbull


@kartar is about to release a book called the Art of Monitoring. His background is at Docker and Puppet, and his blog has a lot of useful advice about monitoring apps.
Jessica DeVita


@UberGeekGirl is a Solution Architect at Chef and previously worked at Microsoft. She learned a few things about DevOps managing the IT systems of successful individuals and businesses in the entertainment and media industries in and around Hollywood and Beverly Hills.

Who do you follow to stay on top of trends in the industry? Who else should be on this list? Let us know! And of course, follow @Loggly because we focus on the all-important Operations side of DevOps: that is, life after you put your code in production.

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Karen Sowa

Karen Sowa