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Blog Technology

HTTP Status Codes Decision Diagram – Infographic

By Karen Sowa 09 Jun 2015

With Hypertext Transfer Protocol aka HTTP status codes, the first digit of the code indicates one of five classes of responses. HTTP clients must at least recognize these five classes:

  1. The first class of codes is informational, indicating a provisional response while processing continues.
  2. The second class of status codes communicates that the client’s request was received and processed successfully.
  3. The third class of HTTP status codes indicates further action is necessary on behalf of the client in order to complete the request, as with URL redirection.
  4. The fourth class of codes is used when the client has made an error.
  5. The fifth class of status codes indicates that the server has made an error and is incapable of fulfilling an apparently valid request.

Click on image to view at full size and find the embed code just below our HTTP Status Code infographic.

HTTP Status Codes - Infographic

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Now that you know them, learn how to Troubleshoot HTTP using Loggly.

Except where noted below, the http status codes come from the HTTP/1.1 standard (RFC 7231). The official registry of HTTP status codes is maintained by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).

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Karen Sowa

Karen Sowa