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Our pure SaaS log analysis and monitoring solution is the perfect Splunk alternative. It offers everything you need—monitoring, fast, intuitive search, and awesome visualizations—without the hefty learning curve.
Loggly is true SaaS, not just a hosted on-premises solution. No need for dedicated, certified administrators, expensive user training, or complex maintenance plans for proprietary agents. Get up and running typically in minutes without agents. Start creating dashboards and exploring your log data without any need to manually set up parsing rules. You can analyze log data in an interactive fashion with fast responses. Or, search for the exact data you need.
Loggly offers fulltext searches and searches by individual fields, ranges, and Booleans. You don’t need to take a class to learn our query language or use our UI. Loggly doesn’t get in the way of your team’s productivity.
At first I was skeptical that log management could scale in the cloud, but Loggly won me over. I liked the pricing. I liked the front end. I liked the fact that I could pull out my phone at a restaurant and debug an issue right then and there.
John Kelvie Chief Technology Officer, XAPPmedia
It’s a piece of cake to build interactive dashboards for application health, behavior, and trend monitoring. Tap into a reusable charts library to save time on setup. Organize as many charts as you like and share them with as many people as you like.
Loggly uses open protocols to collect data. You can send logs using any modern syslog agent or any agent that uses the syslog protocol (RFC 5424), like syslog-ng, rsyslog, and NXlog.
Loggly also supports 50 other open protocols. Our REST API enables your applications (server applications or even browser-side JavaScript) to send events directly to Loggly using HTTP or HTTPS/TLS.
As a dedicated SaaS solution, Loggly offers affordable entry points with low TCO for all types of organizations.
Whether you’re already generating tons of data or seeing your first big burst of log events, Loggly takes care of log management capacity, so you can take care of your business. Even when your log volumes spike, we’re ready.
View application performance, infrastructure behavior, and abnormal activity across the stack. Monitor key resources and metrics and help eliminate issues before they affect users.
Rapidly trace issues to their root cause. Visualize component interactions across your stack, identify correlations, view source code, and share findings with your team.
Analyze and visualize your data to answer key questions, track SLA compliance, and spot trends. Loggly’s customizable dashboards speed investigation and KPI reporting.
Work better as a team using data and analysis with DevOps tools. Loggly integrates with Slack, GitHub, Jira, PagerDuty, Microsoft Teams, custom webhooks, and more.
Our multitenant SaaS keeps TCO low while providing a safe, fast, scalable, and highly available solution to meet the highest standards of performance and scalability.
Spend five minutes to see how Loggly is different from Splunk.